The Compliance Service Provider Specialising in Trusts and Non-Profits

With more than 10 years of experience, Alithis is a compliance and regulatory services provider with profound expertise in the areas of trusts and non-profit organizations.


Our team has vast experience in the area of trust law and the trustee and company services business, especially in Switzerland.


Our team has extensive experience as board members of, and advisors to, Swiss domestic and international organisations.

Our Services

We are a boutique with a pragmatic and dynamic take on compliance, risk management, internal controls and legal work. Our experts’ cross-domain specialisations allow for seamless customized solutions that address specific, unique client needs. Our combined experience in relevant industries has sharpened our advisors’ business acumen and enables us to provide simple answers to complex questions.

Start your initial consultation

We are glad to get to know you face to face, via skype or on the phone and to define the next steps together with you.

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